Sweet BombDiggity Farms

We’re on the cutting edge of old timey

Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Join Lane & Jules Morris from Sweet Bombdiggity Farms as a friend and partner in designing your own dream life! Sign up for our emails to receive practical tips, inspiring stories, and tools to help you craft your own unique path. You’ll get exclusive gardening advice, weekly devotionals, seasonal recipes, and behind-the-scenes stories from the farm. Be a part of a community that values shared creativity and knowledge. Stay connected and inspired —Now that’s BombDiggity!

Sweet BombDiggity Farms

We are purpose driven

Hello friends, We are Lane and Jules Morris and we are the blessed caretakers of these acres of land in East Tennessee that we lovingly named “Sweet Bombdiggity Farms.” We embrace #FarmingAfter50, combining our love for farming with business expertise to create a life that we longed for rich in creativity and community. Guided by a human-centered design approach, we cultivate gardens, craft small-batch products, and raise quality animals, including providing a sanctuary for rescues. As business professors and farm owners, we focus on creating spaces, content, and experiences that bring joy and purpose to both people and animals. Join us for practical tips, inspiring stories, weekly devotionals, and tools to help you design your dreams. We invite you to and be part of a community that values creativity and purposeful living. Now that’s BombDiggity!

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We are often asked “What do you use?” so we built a storefront as a resource to our community.  Here you can easily snag some of our favorite farm and garden items or find inspiration for the perfect gift – every single thing listed in our store we own and use.  

We do receive a commission when people purchase through our store, but every penny goes right back into building the farm and caring for the rescues and animals.

Hey y'all, give us a holler!

That's southern for "Reach out anytime." We love hearing from you!

Our Why

Let's start with "BombDiggity"

BombDiggity [bäm-dig-it-ee] (adj.) 1) Awesomeness in its purest form. 2) Incredible, beyond anything you could imagine. awesome, wonderful and way cool. 3) Complete awesomeness to its fullest extent.

Our farm name says it all and our WHY starts here — We want to build the sweetest of BombDiggity lives wrapped around 5 simple C’s.


Deepening dedication to faith, family, friends, fields, and farm animals


Cultivating success for others, inspiring change, crafting solutions.


Forging bonds that inspire, encourage and uplift each other on a shared journey.


Extending care and offering refuge and rescue that heals both body and spirit


Celebrating agriculture, animals, community and the adventures of "Farming After 50"