Sweet BombDiggity Farms

🚜 Pulling Double Duty: Farmers Juggling Multiple Jobs

Did you know that many farmers juggle multiple jobs? It’s true! This is Lane and I’m sitting in my office today at The University of Tennessee but will head home tonight, hang up my suit coat,  slip on my carharts, and get busy on our farm chores. It’s just what we do. 

Here are some reasons why:

1️⃣ First, some farms don’t generate enough income to sustain themselves completely. So, farmers take on second (and sometimes third) jobs to make ends meet.

2️⃣ Secondly, having access to benefits like healthcare is crucial. By working a second job, farmers can secure additional financial stability and ensure their well-being.

3️⃣ Lastly, farming is more than just a profession; it’s a lifestyle choice. Many farmers enjoy the satisfaction and connection to nature that farming provides, but also want to explore other passions and have multiple income streams.

🌱📚 Did you most farms are small? According to USDA data, approximately 88% of U.S. farms are considered small farms. These farms play a vital role in our local communities and contribute greatly to our food and product supply.

🌟 That’s why it’s incredibly important to support our local farmers and agripreneurs! By buying directly from local markets and farms we can help sustain their livelihoods and ensure a thriving future for agricultural . 

So today—as I sit in my office doing “administrative things” I’m also full of gratitude and appreciation for the hard work and dedication for these often unsung heroes who bring fresh, healthy food to our tables. 🚜💚 

#SupportLocalFarmers #AgricultureMatters #ShopLocal

#FarmingAfter50 #farmlife #farmlifebestlife #thankafarmer
