Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday: Freedom for Ginger/Freedom in Christ

Many of you are familiar with Ginger, our resilient rescue duck. Originally she was likely an Easter gift, she found herself misplaced in the wild, a place not meant for domestic ducks. In our attempt to provide her safety and allow her to regain her strength from hunger and parasites, we initially confined her to a cage. Although the safety of her cage was necessary, every time we saw her, we felt a need to give her more freedom while still protecting her from the many predators in our area.Ginger’s story offers us a powerful statement and an analogy for our own spiritual life.

It became clear to us that while Ginger was safe, she wasn’t truly free. Just like her, many of us might feel safe in our comfort zones, but are we truly living the free life that Christ has envisioned for us?

Today marked a turning point for Ginger. We’ve expanded her living quarters, allowing her the joy of exploration, the thrill of a swim, and even the surprise of laying an egg. Her palpable quacks (shouts) of joy reminded us of the beauty of true freedom.

Ginger’s journey mirrors our own spiritual path. Christ offers us an expansive freedom, one that goes beyond physical boundaries. It’s about breaking away from internal barriers and embracing life with purpose and joy.

Galatians 5:1 from from The Message: “Christ has set us free to live a free life.”

As we step into the coming week, let’s draw inspiration from Ginger. Remember the depth of freedom that Christ offers and strive to live a life that’s not just safe, but truly free.
