Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday – Be United in Christ

Happy #farmsunday friends — It is often remarked that we mirror those with whom we spend the most time, adopting their habits and behaviors. These influences can have a profound effect, nurturing our best qualities or, conversely, drawing out our worst traits. This got us thinking— about the profound transformation found in unity with Christ shared in 2 Corinthians 5:17,

“Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life emerges! Look at it!”

United in Christ: Our Transformation and Salvation

Reflecting on our personal growth, we recognize the journey of renewal and transformation, akin to the cycle of life. When we unite with the Messiah, it’s not merely about enhancing or improving the old; it’s about wholly embracing a new life. The word “Messiah” means savior, deliverer, & rescuer. As our Savior, Christ saves us from sin and ourselves, offering a path to forgiveness and redemption. As our Deliverer, He frees us from burdens that weigh us down. As our Rescuer, He retrieves us from the darkest corners, bringing us into His marvelous light. Together, these three roles underscore the profound transformation we undergo through unity with Christ — a shift from the old to a new creation, guided by His saving grace and relentless love.

The New Creation and Embracing the Process

Embracing Christ goes beyond merely turning over a new leaf or striving to be your best self; it’s about a complete overhaul and renewal. Like a seed transforming into a flourishing plant, our old selves are remade into a new creation. This transformation isn’t about attaining perfection or a challenge-free life but promises growth, learning, and a continuous reshaping of our character in the likeness of Christ. It’s a journey, not a destination, requiring obedience, patience, persistence, and faith. As we face setbacks and challenges, we also experience moments of profound growth and joy. Being united in Christ is a commitment to continually strive towards the likeness of our Savior, one step at a time, embracing both the process and the transformation it brings.

So today, let’s remember the power of being united in Christ. In Him, we find strength to overcome adversities, courage to continue our journey, and the promise of a new, transformed life.

In Him
Lane & Jules

#Farmsunday #farmlife #biblestudy #devotional #2corinthians #unitedinchrist #unitedwithchrist
