Sweet BombDiggity Farms

You won’t believe what’s in fabric softener!

Hi Farm Friends! I love to share when I find something that I truly love and I’m excited to share about my latest laundry obsession — wool dryer balls! But first, let’s talk about what we’re ditching: chemical-laden fabric softeners.

Did you know fabric softeners are packed with things like quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) that can irritate skin? And the fragrance that we used to adore? It’s a cocktail of synthetic chemicals that might smell like a dream but can be a nightmare for our health, potentially leading to hormone disruption and allergies. Yikes!

Now, enter my pack of wool dryer balls. They’re all-natural and totally devoid of those scary chemicals. I add a few drops of lavender or other essential oils to mine for that extra soothing aroma. Our clothes come out super soft, less wrinkly, and smelling like a calm, lavender field — all without the unwanted chemical guests!

So, let’s say goodbye to those hidden nasties and hello to a healthier, happier laundry day! 🌿 🐑 Here is a link to the ones that we use! https://amzn.to/3OFDrzL
