Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Choosing the Right Variety of Tomato for your Garden 

Choosing the right tomato variety can make all the difference in your garden’s success! 🍅 Check the tags at your garden center for the following to help you decide. This is oke of the primary considerations— determinate vs indeterminate. Here’s the scoop: 

🍅 Determinate tomatoes reach a set height and produce all their fruit at once, perfect for small spaces, containers, and canning. They need minimal pruning and support. Focus on watering consistently to prevent cracking and ensure they thrive. 🪴 I often grow paste tomatoes like Romas that fit into this category.

🍅 🍅 Indeterminate tomatoes keep growing throughout the season, providing a steady supply of fresh tomatoes. These need more space and regular staking or caging for support. Pruning suckers can help keep them healthy and productive. 🌿 Most of rhe heirloom varieties, I grow fit into this category. I love the flavor and interest of these varieities.

Whether you favor the efficient harvest of determinate tomatoes or the continuous bounty of indeterminate varieties, choose the right type for your garden style and space, and you’ll be on your way to a delicious and fruitful season! 🍽️  Now that’s BombDiggity. 

#TomatoGarden #GrowYourOwn #GardenTips #gardening101 #growingtomatoes #gardenlife #farmingafter50
