Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Meet Amelia – A Story of a Rescue Horse

Meet Amelia – Our Sweet rescue horse – Amelia’s journey to Sweet Bombdiggity Farms started at One Wish Equine Rescue, an incredible organization that works across Tennessee to save horses from kill pens. We don’t know much about her past, but it’s clear she’s been through a lot.

Amelia is a bit of a nervous soul, leaning on her best buddy Rosie—and us—for comfort and security. With rescues, patience is everything, and watching Amelia slowly trust and settle in has been so rewarding. Amelia is a Medicine Hat paint horse, a rare and striking coat pattern.

She has a beautiful brown “hat” over her ears and a chest shield that stands out against her soft white coat. In some Native American cultures, Medicine Hat horses were believed to have protective powers, guarding their riders against harm in battle and even evil spirits. Horses with these markings were seen as sacred and were often ridden by medicine men or tribal leaders.

While Amelia may not be heading into battle, she’s certainly fought her own fight for survival—and she’s won. Around here, she never misses a meal and even does a little dance for her hay! Her goofy nose boops and gentle spirit have made her a true heart horse for me. She may be a little shy, but Amelia’s sweet soul shines brighter every day.

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