Sweet BombDiggity Farms

A Culinary Adventure at Borough Market with Shaun & Jack

This morning, I had the pleasure of introducing two of our fantastic students, Shaun and Jack, to the legendary Borough Market in London. Despite being new to the city, they’re busy immersing themselves in all that London has to offer, and today was no exception. Their enthusiasm was infectious, making our visit to this amazing place even more enjoyable.

Borough Market, a haven for food enthusiasts, is steeped in history. Tracing its roots back to the 12th century, it stands as one of the largest and oldest food markets in London. This vibrant market has evolved from a wholesale market to a bustling hub of food stalls, eateries, and a community of traders passionate about sustainable and exceptional produce.

As we meandered through the stalls, the array of fresh fruits and vegetables painted a vibrant palette of colors, each piece more enticing than the last. The air was rich with the aroma of fragrant spices from around the world, leading us to a sensory journey through different cultures and cuisines. Shaun and Jack were particularly amazed by the chocolate covered strawberries and Lane and I were drooling over the variety of cheeses, ranging from classic English cheddars to exotic imports, each with its own unique story and flavor.

A visit to Borough Market isn’t complete without acknowledging the dedication to quality. We saw farm-fresh raw milk, a rarity in the US outside of a personal farm and we admired the fresh meats sourced both from local farms and the sea. The highlight for many, undoubtedly, was the dessert section. From classic British puddings to artisan chocolates, the options were endless, and as I often say, “I can’t even.”

In the heart of London, Borough Market stands as a testament to the city’s culinary diversity and its commitment to quality and sustainability.
Taking in the morning and all its foodie fragrances, we left Borough Market not just with bags full of delicious finds, but with a deeper commitment to understanding where our food comes from!

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