#FarmSunday Devotional: Who Do You Say I Am?
In Mark 8:27-29, Jesus asks his disciples two profound questions. The first is simple: “Who do the people say I am?” The disciples respond with what they’ve heard: John the
Join Lane and Jules Morris of Sweet BombDiggity Farms on this exciting #FarmingAfter50 journey, where innovation meets the green pastures, and creativity grows alongside the crops. We’re eager to learn, share our experiences and your stories, and collaborate with all of you, as we sow the seeds of success together.
Stay tuned for inspiring agriCULTURE stories, resources and tools, insights, updates, and no shortage of adorable farm animals.
In Mark 8:27-29, Jesus asks his disciples two profound questions. The first is simple: “Who do the people say I am?” The disciples respond with what they’ve heard: John the
If you’ve ever noticed a cluster of butterflies gathered at the water’s edge, they’re engaging in a behavior called “puddling.” This isn’t just about hydration—male butterflies are absorbing essential minerals
One of my favorite gardening secrets? Heading straight to the sale rack at the back of the nursery this time of year. You can score healthy perennials and shrubs for
There’s something magical about vintage wicker and its timeless charm. When I stumbled upon a set for my side porch at our Knoxville nest, I just knew it was meant
#FarmSunday Devotional: What’s Your Heart Condition? Jesus often used stories to reveal profound truths, and in Mark 4:1-20, He tells the parable of the sower. It’s one of those stories that sticks with you because it’s relatable and vivid.
Good morning from Sweet Bombdiggity Farms, where the chickens get pampered just like family! Our feathered friends can’t get enough of the special chicken salad we whip up for them.
As Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the lake. These men were fishermen, going about their daily work,
I absolutely adore hardy begonias, specifically Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana. They line the front of our cabin, bursting with dainty pink blooms by summer. In early spring, it’s a joy
Last week, we touched upon Nehemiah’s story, but today let’s dive deeper. Nehemiah was stirred in his prayers to rebuild Jerusalem’s city walls and gates—a home he cherished deeply, a
Guess what we stumbled upon while wandering around Sweet Bombdiggity Farms? Autumn olive trees! These resilient beauties are packed with bright red berries that are as versatile as they are