Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Catching Your Breath Amidst the Chaos: Embracing Deep Breaths

Hey there, ever feel like life’s a whirlwind that just won’t slow down? I totally get it. See, my days are jam-packed with teaching marketing to a whole bunch of college students at the University of Tennessee. On top of that, I’m managing a rental property, bringing an old 1930s home back to life, chasing a PhD, handling all sorts of life admin, and tending to our farm. Yeah, it’s a lot, and you know what? I chose this crazy busy life.

But in the midst of all this hustle and bustle of life, I’ve stumbled onto something incredibly important through the years: the power of taking a deep breath and hitting reset. Those stolen moments I carve out of my packed schedule? They’re like my lifeline. Sometimes, it’s about saying a quiet prayer, finding a spot in nature to just be, or just sitting in silence with my farm babies.

This morning was one of those magic moments. Picture this: sitting in a lush green field, the morning sun bright in the sky alongside Rosie, Amelia, Smith, and Wesson quietly grazing and joining me for attention. The quiet is like a recharge button for my mind. These pockets of peace crowd out the stress and self-imposed pressure. 

This farm life is a dream come true for me brought to life well after 50 for both Lane and I. Now, I won’t lie – we do wonder and discuss often how we’ll keep this dream going for the long haul. I bet your life is full of important and sometimes stressful decisions and discussions too. But you just can’t take on all of the worries every single day.  But today, my time was just spent being grateful —finding gratefulness in all of the wonderful gifts around me. 

So maybe the years have earned me this white hair and a lot of lessons. I will say that I have learned and exercised this healthy and life-giving habit.  Amidst the chaos, find that moment. Breathe deep. Let gratitude wash over you. And then, my friend, tackle whatever’s coming your way. These moments of prayerful tranquility in the madness? They’re like little anchors that keep us grounded and ready to face whatever comes next with a smile.

You’ve got this! 
