We thought a good coop tour might be a fun way to end our chicken week celebration of our first farm fresh eggs. Our hens are really revving up production and we try to give them the best environment possible.
Our Coop started by saving an old shed that was needing some love on our property. We re-roofed, wrapped in metal and built a run on the side to keep our girls safe and sound. It continues to evolve. We have recently even added steps to the front entrance with a hand railing for US!
I designed the inside of the coop with the idea that I wanted to have this coop for years to come and wanted to make it as easy as possible to clean and enjoy.
Here are a few of my favorite features:
Waist High Perch Trays
I re-used some old kitchen cabinets to add storage to my coop. I painted them in a high quality white paint to make them easy to wipe down and built a shelf with a ledge on top of them. This is such a win! I lined my trays with repurposed feed bags (you prob have a few of those laying around 😂) and then filled them with construction sand. I can easily clean under the perches with a cat litter scoop which keeps the coop smelling fresh and looking snazzy.
Sealed Interior Wood
This has been such a win and I’m glad I didn’t skimp here. Sealing the interior wood with some quality paint makes it so easy to wipe down!
This may seem frivolous but, hey don’t judge me! I like pretty things!!! In all seriousness it makes cleaning a breeze too. I love mine and lucked out that I found a pattern remnant at a thrift store that I absolutely love. I think the chickens like it too. 😃 🌺
Nest Box
I have a Best Nest Box. I love the way it looks and functions. My girls are slowly getting used to it. the eggs roll forward and land safely in an gathering area so they are clean and not broken. You can install it so that you don’t even need to enter the coop to gather eggs but I decided to leave mine on the ground. They are exploring it daily and the eggs there are definitely cleaner and less abused by the other chickens. https://amzn.to/47jJ6Dd
Natural Branches
I have natural perches installed across the coop. I just like the way they look and the price is definitely right. I can wipe them down or if they get messed up, I just go cut another one on the property!
Linoleum on the floor
I installed a cheap remnant of linoleum on the coop floor. It makes cleaning a breeze. Nothing sticks!
Hemp Bedding
I use deep hemp bedding in my coop. I have tried several brands. I make it deep and it seems to really keep itself clean. Not sure how that works, but it’s sort of magical, in my opinion. This one bag will last an eternity in your coop! https://amzn.to/47hiPWh
Automatic Chicken Door
I have a RunChicken automatic coop door that is awesome! My girls put themselves to sleep at night and out to play in the morning without my assistance. It’s a win and has worked flawlessly for the last 6 months.
Solar Lights
I do not have electricity going to my coop so so I stalled two little solar lights that have a remote control. It was easy peasy to do and I so appreciate the light when I am working in the coop! They are awesome!
We’ll look at the run another day and I’m confident I left out some detail but hopefully these are a good and helpful start to inspire you and your coop adventures. Some of these additions are investments for your coop, but my goal was to make my coop as efficient, clean, and functional as possible for these #FarmingAfter50 farmers. Each one of them, in my mind, was well worth it.
We love our coop, the chickens, and their yummy eggs too! 🐓