Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Demystifying Sourdough Bread Baking: Tips & Tricks

Don’t be intimidated by the sourdough tales of woe 🍞! Start simple, and don’t worry about getting it perfect. Sourdough is about the journey: the feel of the dough, the smell of the bake, and the joy of the first bite. Each loaf is a lesson, and mishaps are just opportunities to learn.

Remember, sourdough bread making is an art that dates back thousands of years, long before kitchen scales and instant yeast. I have certainly never used either! 😂 Here are some things I do know!

Sourdough is forgiving!
1️⃣ Flexibility in Ingredients: Sourdough doesn’t require precise measurements. Once you understand the consistency you’re looking for, you can adjust the flour and water ratios by feel.
2️⃣Tolerant of Time: Sourdough fermentation can vary based on temperature and environment. Whether your dough takes longer to rise or needs a bit more time in the oven, it’s all part of the process.
3️⃣Variety is Welcome: Each sourdough bread is unique. Embrace the variations in texture, flavor, and shape as part of the charm.

Basic Rules of Thumb for Sourdough

1️⃣ Maintain Your Starter: A healthy starter is the soul of your sourdough. Feed it regularly — I do it by texture and not exact measurements.
2️⃣ Hydration Matters: A wetter dough will yield a lighter bread with larger holes, while a drier dough results in a denser bread. Adjust according to your preference.
3️⃣ Feel the Dough: Your hands are your best tools. The dough should feel alive and elastic under your fingers. If it’s too wet, add a little flour; if it’s too dry, a splash of water.
4️⃣ Time is Flavor: Longer fermentation times can lead to more complex flavors. Don’t rush the process.
5️⃣ Baking is Transformation: A hot oven and a good steam source will give your bread that crispy crust and soft interior. Don’t be afraid of a dark crust; it adds flavor!
6️⃣ Let it sit—when it comes out of the oven let it cool. This is allllll a part of the goodness.

Get to baking! 🍞❤️ #sourdough #farmstead #happybreadbaking #makingbread #farmlife #farmingafter50 #cuttingedgeofoldtimey
