Sweet BombDiggity Farms

DIY Greenhouse Magic: Start Your Spring Seeds with a Milk Jug!

Spring is in the air, and it’s time to get those green thumbs working. Do you feel like you’re missing out because you don’t have an elaborate seed-starting setup or a fancy greenhouse? Fear not! You can kickstart your spring garden with something as simple as a milk jug.

What You’ll Need:

– An empty, clean gallon milk jug

– A sharp knife or scissors

– Potting soil

– Seeds of your choice

– Duct tape

– A permanent marker

Step-by-Step Guide:

1️⃣ Prepare Your Jug

Start by cleaning your milk jug thoroughly with water and let it dry. Once dry, take a sharp knife or scissors and cut around the jug about 3-4 inches from the bottom, but leave a small section uncut to act as a hinge.

2️⃣ Make Drainage Holes

Flip the jug over and use your scissors or knife to poke several small drainage holes in the bottom. This helps to prevent waterlogged soil. 

3️⃣ Fill with Seed-starter Mix & Moisten

Fill the bottom 2” of your jug with high-quality seed-staring soil and moisten it—not soupy! I mix my own but you can also purchase. You don’t need to fill it to the brim; leaving some space will make it easier to water your seeds later.

4️⃣ Plant Your Seeds 

Now, the exciting part! Plant your seeds according to the packet instructions. Some seeds might need to be just pressed into the soil, while others may require being buried a little deeper. Make sure you follow the specific requirements for the seeds you’ve chosen. Depth is more important than distance apart. You are going to move these babies soon anyway! 

5️⃣ Label

Use the permanent marker to label the outside of the jug with the name of the plant and the date you sowed the seeds.

6️⃣ Close and Tape

Close the top half of the jug back over the bottom and secure it with duct tape. This creates your mini-greenhouse environment, trapping moisture and warmth to help your seeds germinate faster.

7️⃣ Place in a Sunny Spot 

Place your milk jug greenhouse outside in a spot where it will get plenty of sunlight. The jug will collect heat during the day and retain it at night, creating an ideal growing environment.


In a few days to weeks, depending on the seeds you’ve planted, you should start seeing signs of life. Once your seedlings are strong enough and the outside temperatures are consistently warm, you can transplant them to their final growing spots.

Starting seeds doesn’t have to break the bank or require a lot of space. This little greenhouse project is a testament to the power of recycling and creativity. So, before you throw out that milk jug, consider giving it a second life as the starting point of your spring garden. Happy planting, and here’s to a season of bountiful growth and greenery!
