Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Farm Fitness – Who Needs a Gym?

Part of our motivation for this journey has been to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Each farm chore isn’t just a task; it’s a step towards a healthier, more vibrant life. With over 13,000 steps daily and our hearts pumping for an hour or more, who needs a gym when you have a farm? Here’s some daily farm chore fitness facts!

— Moving Hay Bales: Lift and shift for 350-450 calories/hr.
— Hill Trekking to Check Coop or other animals. I mean, we live in East Tennessee! Trek those hills for 400-500 calories/hr.
— Feeding goats, chickens, horses or donkeys Carrying those feed bags, burn 440-500 calories/hr.
— Watering Horses: Refill and tone up with 200-300 calories/hr.
— Mucking Stalls: Engage in deep cleaning for 350-500 calories/hr.
— Animal Grooming: Bond and burn about 200-400 calories/hr
— Digging garden holes 500 Calories/hr
— Shoveling sand, dirt, flipping compost l, etc 500 calories/hr
— Weeding 400 calories/hr

What’s your favorite (or least favorite) farm chore that gets your heart pumping? Every step counts! Who needs a gym?

#FarmFit #farmlife #homsteading #farmstead #FarmingAfter50
