Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday: A New Beginning

As we step into a new year, Joshua 1:1-9 offers powerful wisdom for embracing new beginnings. When God speaks to Joshua, He reminds him of something we all need to hear: the time for looking back is over. The past, with its victories and challenges, has served its purpose. Now it’s time to “get going” and move forward.

God’s words to Joshua are filled with promises and practical guidance, perfect for a fresh start to a new year:

  • I’m giving you everything I’ve promised. God’s blessings and faithfulness are still ahead.
  • I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you. I won’t leave you. You’re never walking this journey alone.
  • Be strong and courageous. God calls us to lean into His strength and step out boldly, not half-heartedly.
  • Give it everything you’ve got—heart and soul. New beginnings are opportunities to bring our whole selves to what lies ahead. 

God also gives Joshua clear directions:

  • Don’t get off track. Don’t take shortcuts. Trust God’s process, even when it feels slow.
  • Keep God’s Word close. Meditate on it. Let it guide your thoughts and actions. When we align ourselves with His Word, we find the right path.

And, God gives Joshua a destination:

  • Success isn’t measured by the world’s standards. It’s about staying faithful to God’s word, His call, and walking in His presence.

As we begin this year, remember these words:

Be strong. Be courageous. Don’t be afraid, depressed, or discouraged, for God, your God, is with you every step you take.

What’s your “new beginning” this year? Take time today to reflect on what God is calling you to step into with strength and courage. Write it down. Pray over it. And make a commitment to keep His Word at the center of your plans, trusting Him to guide your every step.

#farmingafter50 #farmsunday #devotional #biblestudy    #newbeginning #newyear #countrylivingconnoisseur #joshua1 #becourageous #bebrave 

