Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday: Cultivating a Hunger for God 

It’s #FarmSunday, friends!  This week we were shown another profound spiritual truth mirrored in our daily farm life. What a gift! Every time we feed our animals, there’s an unmistakable sense of joy and anticipation on the farm. The animals eagerly run to us, often making sounds of joy—their excitement palpable. This routine, though simple, is a powerful reminder of how we should approach our spiritual lives.

“You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.” – Matthew 5:6 (The Message)

In our world today, it’s easy to get caught up in the hunger of fame, money, and material possessions. We often find ourselves yearning for these things, hoping they’ll fill a void. But let’s take a moment to reflect on a different kind of hunger – a hunger for God. 

Spiritual Hunger

So, let’s ponder over our hunger for God. The Message version of Matthew 5:6 offers a refreshing perspective: being blessed when we have a “good appetite for God.” Just as our animals show eagerness for their physical nourishment, we too should ask ourselves: Do we possess that same excitement and energy to be spiritually fed? 

Nourishment Beyond the Physical

In our day-to-day hustle, it’s easy to get caught up in the hunger of fame, money, and material possessions— physical hungers. We often find ourselves yearning for these things, hoping they’ll fill a void. But let’s take a moment to reflect on a different kind of hunger – a hunger for God. Embracing God’s word and presence is like partaking in the “best meal you’ll ever eat.” It’s your favorite comfort food — this spiritual nourishment is essential for our growth and well-being.

Cultivating Our Appetite

Cultivating a spiritual appetite requires conscious effort. It’s about setting aside time for prayer, meditation, and immersing ourselves in the scriptures. It’s about being as eager to connect with God as we are to attend to the needs of our farm—or other parts of life. Wow—this one really hits me hard this morning! How about you? 

Reflection & Action

This #FarmSunday, let’s commit to nurturing our spiritual appetite. Let’s approach our relationship with God with eagerness and anticipation — like a farm animal at feeding time! Let’s remind ourselves that in God, we find not just sustenance, but a feast for our souls.

May our spiritual hunger lead us to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God, where we find the ultimate nourishment.

Be Blessed Today,

Lane & Jules 
