Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: Calling Out To Jesus

In the world of marketing, there’s a truth I often share with my students: “Your brand isn’t what you say about yourself; it’s what others say about you when you’re not around.” It’s a lesson in authenticity and the power of identity and reputation. This week, we found a beautiful reflection of this concept in Paul’s introduction to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 1:1-2, The Message version.

Paul begins his letter by identifying the authors and greeting the recipients: “I, Paul, have been called and sent by Jesus, the Messiah, according to God’s plan, along with my friend Sosthenes. I send this letter to you in God’s church at Corinth, believers cleaned up by Jesus and set apart for a God-filled life.” And then he adds, “I include in my greetings all who call out to Jesus, wherever they are, He’s their Master too.”

Corinth was a tough place, riddled with challenges, a city many would overlook or judge. Yet, Paul speaks of the Corinthians not for their failures or the mess of their city but for their reputation and identity in Christ. He doesn’t see them as a product of their environment; instead, he recognizes them for what they’ve become through Jesus—believers, a people cleaned up, set apart, and called to a God-filled life.

What stands out to us is the phrase “all who call out to Jesus.” Paul could have said “call upon” or “reach out,” but he chose “call out.” That phrase makes a world of difference. To “call out” is to be active, vocal, and unashamed. It’s not just a quiet, internal prayer; “calling out” is an urgency, a bold declaration of dependence, a reaching out in need, in trust, and in faith, wherever we live, no matter our circumstances.

In our lives, just as in Corinth, we face challenges, distractions, and difficulties. Yet, what defines us is not those challenges but how we respond to them—how we call out to Jesus. Our testimony and reputation, our “brand,” in this life is shaped by our actions, our words, and most importantly, our reliance on Him.

So, what’s your personal brand for Jesus? When others see you, do they see someone who calls out to Him, who seeks His guidance in both the good times and the bad? Let your testimony and reputation be one of humility, dependence, and unwavering faith. We encourage you today: Be a people who call out to Jesus. Let that be the hallmark of your life—a sign of a heart that is cleansed, set apart, and fully reliant on Him.

Now, that’s BombDiggity.
