Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: Come with Me

As Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the lake. These men were fishermen, going about their daily work, as they had done countless times before. But on this day, something extraordinary happened. Jesus called out to them, “Come with me. I’ll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I’ll show you how to catch men and women….” (Mark 1:17, The Message). Without a second thought, they immediately dropped their nets and followed Him. And just yards further along the shoreline, Jesus called out to two other fishermen, James and John, who responded in the same way…dropping every thing and immediately following Christ. (Mark 1:16-20).

How profound must that calling have been? Out of a crowd of fishermen, Jesus saw these 4 people and chose them to be at His side for a life of obedient service. No questions asked, no hesitations—these 4 disciples  left everything behind to follow Him. Imagine the strength and clarity of that call, so powerful that these 4 men left their livelihoods in an instant. The choice to follow Christ didn’t just change their careers; it transformed their entire lives, giving them a new purpose and meaning.

Jesus didn’t just call them to follow; He called them to be changed. He called them to a life of deeper significance, one where their daily work would become something far greater—a mission to touch and transform lives of others. What’s even cooler is that the same invitation is extended to each of us. 

This week, take time to ask God what He is calling you to do. What new ideas of service is He inspiring you with? Whether it’s a small step of faith or a significant life change, drop your “nets” and trust in His guidance and then be willing to follow without hesitation. Let’s commit to listening closely for His voice, ready to respond with the same faith and obedience as those first disciples. 

#farmsunday #Mark1 #biblestudy #followme #devotional #farmlife #countrylivingconnoisseur #FollowJesus #FarmingAfter50
