Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: Companions of Christ

In Acts Chapter 3, Peter and John encountered a man crippled since birth, begging at the temple gate. He asked them for money, but instead, they offered something far greater: healing through the name of Jesus Christ. Instead of being celebrated, Peter and John found themselves on trial.  They were in trouble with everybody who was anybody— religious, political and social leaders. Under interrogation, Acts 4:13-14 gives us a glimpse into what their accusers saw: 

“They couldn’t take their eyes off them—they saw Peter and John standing there so confident, so sure of themselves! The accusers’ and interrogators’ fascination deepened when they realized Peter and John were laymen with no training in Scripture or formal education. The accusers recognized them as companions of Jesus, and seeing the healed man in front of them, standing there so upright—so healed!—what could the accusers say against that?”

For Peter & John, in that heated moment  when their actions were being interrogated and motives challenged, they relied on their only “credential”….which was being recognized as companions of Jesus

In a world where people strive for titles, recognition, and status, what if the most important thing we were known for was our relationship and companionship with Jesus Christ? In the good and bad moments of of our life, what if others saw Christ’s love, His kindness, His joy, and His peace and healing power in us?

This week, let’s strive to let our calling card be…..”we are companions of Jesus.”

#CompanionsOfChrist #FarmSunday #devotional #biblestudy #acts4 #FarmingAfter50 #countrylivingconnoisseur
