Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: Cultivating Thankfulness

“Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness.” – Colossians 3:15 (The Message)

What does it mean to cultivate thankfulness? When we cultivate something—whether it’s in our garden or in our hearts—we work at it intentionally. It doesn’t just happen on its own. The same way a healthy crop requires soil preparation, planting, watering, and care, a thankful heart takes effort and attention.

Thankfulness is a mindset and life-style choice. It begins by setting our minds on Christ, remembering His peace that holds us steady, and the many blessings He’s given us. When we intentionally practice gratitude, we’re nurturing thankfulness, making it grow into something strong and lasting.

Colossians reminds us that cultivating thankfulness keeps us in tune—not just with God, but with others. It aligns our hearts, helps us focus on our blessings, and shifts our perspective. When we focus on Christ, even the smallest blessings can become reasons for joy and praise.

Take time today to make a list of what you’re thankful for. Start small…

Lord, here I am….thank You for my health. My family. My children and grandchildren. My friends. My work. My life. Your forgiveness. Your kindness. Your mercy that never fails. 

Then keep adding to it each day. Watch how your thankful heart begins to overflow with gratitude, turning what could feel ordinary into extraordinary reasons to thank Him.

This week—and every week—let’s challenge ourselves to be intentional about thankfulness, not just on Thanksgiving, but daily, with hearts focused on Christ. Because when we cultivate thankfulness and gratitude, we experience His peace and discover how truly blessed we are.

Now that’s BombDiggity!

#farmingafter50 #countrylivingconnoisseur #cultivatethankfulness #choosegratitude #gratefulheart #blessingsabound #countyourblessings #colossians3 #biblestudy #devotional 
