Sweet BombDiggity Farms

FarmSunday Devotional: Lending a Hand in the Fields of Life

Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, ‘How can I help?’

— Romans 15:1-2 (The Message)

Everyday on the farm brings new challenges—-especially when it’s time to complete our farm chores. Sometimes it takes two of us to lift heavy feed bags, pull stubborn weeds from the garden, or chase down a wild chicken that’s gotten out of the chicken coop. What we’ve learned is that there are many times that two of us are better than one and we need each other’s help in completing our daily chores.

Much like our “tag-team” efforts that are required to complete our daily work, people around us often need help—especially when they falter under the weight of their mistakes or daily challenges. It could be a neighbor wrestling with a serious problem, struggling to keep their spirits high, a friend battling doubts, or even a stranger in need of a listening ear. Each person is a “work in progress” seeking support, encouragement, and nourishment.

Romans 15 gently reminds us that strength isn’t for status or show. Rather, our strength, whether it’s in faith, an encouraging word, a loaned skill, or positive spirit, is a spiritual gift meant for service.

Just as a seasoned farmer lends a hand to a beginning farmer by guiding them through the details of sowing and reaping, as true believers, we are called to support and encourage one another—especially those who falter around us. Instead of walking away or choosing to do the thing that’s easiest for us, the key question we should be asking is—“How can I help?”

Remember, the beauty of a farm isn’t just in the crops that stand tall, but also in the hands that work silently, ensuring every plant gets its chance to flourish. Similarly, the strength of our faith lies not just in our personal relationship with God, but in how we trust in His strength to extend His love to others.

This #FarmSunday, as you walk through the fields or simply reflect on the land’s bounty, take a moment to think about those around you who might be faltering in your community. Ask yourself, ‘How can I help?’ Sometimes, all it takes is a simple gesture, a word of encouragement, or a listening ear to till the soil of a faltering heart.

May the week ahead be filled with opportunities to serve, to lift, and to love. May your strength be a beacon for those in need, and may your faith be the seed that nurtures the hearts around you.


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