Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: Who Do You Say I Am?

In Mark 8:27-29, Jesus asks his disciples two profound questions. The first is simple: “Who do the people say I am?” The disciples respond with what they’ve heard: John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets. The disciples reported that people (or the world) saw Jesus as a good man, perhaps a powerful figure from history or a prophet doing God’s work. While the world had complimentary views of Jesus…most importantly, the world didn’t truly know who Jesus was.

Then Jesus makes it personal. He looks at his disciples and asks the second question: “Who do you say I am?”

It’s a moment of truth, a moment that demands a real, unfiltered answer. Peter steps forward, with confidence, clarity, and conviction, and declares, “You are the Christ, the Messiah.” Peter isn’t guessing. Peter is taking a stand. He’s stating that Jesus is not just another good man, not just a prophet, but “THE” One—the long-awaited Savior, the Anointed One sent by God to redeem the world.

This question Jesus asked His disciples is one we should ask ourselves, not just once, but again and again in different areas of our lives. Who is Jesus in your marriage? In your family? In your friendships? In your work? Is He just a good influence, or is He the center of your heart, the Christ, the Messiah?

When we truly acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, as the Anointed One who directs our lives, our relationships change. Christ’s anointing in our life changes us. If Jesus is the anointed Christ in your marriage, your love will reflect His selflessness. If He is the Christ in your family, you will guide and nurture with His patience and grace. If Jesus is the Christ in your friendships, your connections will be marked by His unwavering loyalty, compassion, truth and forgiveness. If He is the Christ in your work, you will serve others with integrity and purpose, seeking above all—His will.

So today, ask yourself: Who is Jesus to you? The answer to this question will transform not only your understanding but the way you live and love every single day.

#FarmingAfter50 #CountryLivingConnoisseur #farmsunday #devotional #biblestudy #mark8 #themessiah
