Sweet BombDiggity Farms

FarmSunday: Homeward Bound with Heavenly Citizenship

As we eagerly anticipate our return home from London, passports in hand, bags packed, a morning stroll around Trafalgar Square brings a warm realization. Surrounded by embassies, symbols of national identity and citizenship, our minds are drawn to a deeper, more eternal membership – our citizenship in heaven.

In Philippians 3:20, Paul distinguishes between the earthly and the heavenly, the nonbeliever and the believer. “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” This verse is a reminder that our true identity and allegiance lie not within the transient borders of nations, but in the eternal kingdom of God.

1) Traveling with the Ultimate Passport: Just as we never travel internationally without our physical passports, as believers, we carry an even more vital passport – the Cross of Christ. It’s a symbol of our faith, a testament to our allegiance to Christ, and a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that granted us this heavenly citizenship. It’s our spiritual identity, our divine visa, assuring us of our place in God’s eternal kingdom.

2) Living as Citizens of Heaven: Recognizing our citizenship in heaven influences our behavior and beliefs. As earthly travelers aware of our heavenly home, we strive to embody the values of our true homeland. We aim to live lives that reflect the teachings of Christ, to be ambassadors of His love and grace in a world that often feels foreign to these ideals. Our actions, words, and beliefs should resonate with the heavenly citizenship we profess, one that transcends earthly borders and is anchored in Him.

So, as we navigate the bustling streets of London, amidst the tangible representations of worldly citizenship, our hearts and minds are focused on a higher citizenship. Our true and core membership lies not in the nations we visit or the passports we carry, but in our heavenly citizenship, secured through faith in Jesus Christ. This realization not only shapes our journey on earth but also fills us with joyful anticipation of our ultimate destination in life – our eternal home.

Be Blessed Today!
Lane & Jules
