Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday: How do you treat God? 

an open bible in the background with red text that says the title of the devotional "how do you treat God?"

When things go wrong, we often seek God’s intervention, longing for His amazing power to make things right. We hope for His best in our lives—direction, guidance, restoration, healing, and deliverance. But sometimes, it’s easy to overlook our own condition and how we approach God in these moments.

This is the story of Nehemiah, a cup bearer of the king, who learns of the appalling conditions of his hometown (Jerusalem)— the protective walls are rubble and the city gates in cinders. In greatest distress Nehemiah presents his case to God asking Him to look at and attentively listen to his plea—the goal of his prayer, to ask God to make him successful in getting support from the king to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city. 

However, before Nehemiah proceeds with asking God for his blessings, he gives us a powerful reminder. Nehemiah pauses to reflect on his own relationship with God. He acknowledges how he (and the people) have treated God, admitting to being disobedient and disregarding His guidance. 

Nehemiah 1:7 (The Message) says:

“We’ve treated you like dirt: We haven’t done what you told us, haven’t followed your commands, and haven’t respected the decisions you gave to Moses your servant.” 

This passage challenges us to consider how we treat God. We desire His best for us, his blessings for our success, but do we offer Him our best? Repentance begins with acknowledging our shortcomings and the ways we’ve neglected our relationship with God. It’s a humbling process, but one that leads to genuine transformation and a deeper connection with Him.

As we reflect this #FarmSunday, let’s take a moment to examine our hearts. How have we treated God? And how can we begin to give Him our very best, not just seeking His blessings but also honoring Him with our lives? 
