Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday – The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God: I’m the kind of person who always double-checks the weather before heading out. It’s a habit—whether I’m planting in the garden, packing for a trip, or just figuring out what to wear. But no matter how much I check the forecast changes. Sunshine turns to storms. A dry spell breaks overnight. What was once certain suddenly shifts.

Life feels like that sometimes, doesn’t it? People change. Plans fall through. What we thought was steady suddenly isn’t. But in a world of uncertainty, one thing never changes—the goodness of God.

“For the Lord is good;

His mercy is everlasting,

And His truth endures to all generations.”

Psalm 100:5 (NKJV)

Three things stand out in this verse—reminders we can hold onto no matter what comes our way:

1️⃣ His Character—God is Good.

God’s goodness isn’t seasonal. It doesn’t fade like summer flowers or shift like the wind. God is good, always. Even when life feels hard, He is working things out for our good.

2️⃣ His Compassion—God’s Mercy Never Ends.

We run out of patience. We run out of strength. We run out of second chances for people who frustrate us. But God? His mercy is everlasting. There’s no limit. No “three strikes, you’re out.” God doesn’t give up on us.His goodness and mercy chase after us. 

3️⃣ His Consistency—God’s Truth Will Not Change.

When everything else is shifting, we can stand firm in this: God’s truth endures. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That means His promises are always good. His love is still steady. And His hand is still holding us, no matter where life takes us. His truth sets us free! 

So today, if you feel like the forecast of life is uncertain, hold onto this truth: God is good, His mercy never runs out, and His truth will not change. And that, my friends, is BombDiggity.

Read more #FarmSunday’s and Pass on the good news here

#farmsunday #Psalm1005 #FaithfulForever  #FarmingAfter50 #countrylivingconnoisseur #biblestudy #devotional #godisgood 
