Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Finding Peace in Stillness: Embracing #FarmSunday and the Gift of Rest

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the importance of slowing down and finding solace in stillness. This week has been a whirlwind—of full-time work commitments, evening events, endless farm chores, and the everyday adventures that life brings our way. But today, as we celebrate #FarmSunday, we are reminded of the value of stepping back, resting, simply being still, and being confident that God has things under control. That seems like a tall order, right?

In Psalm 46:10, we find these beautiful words: “Be still and know that I am God.” This verse carries a profound message about the importance of quietude and reflection for the purpose of intentionally acknowledging and trusting in God as the Great I Am. In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, we often neglect the power of stillness. Yet, it is in those quiet moments that we can reconnect with ourselves, our surroundings, and the divine. For some people this day of rest occurs on a Saturday or a Sunday, and for others it may land on a different weekday. Whatever day you observe, the message remains the same….stop, reflect, and know God watching over us and taking care of us.

On this #FarmSunday, we invite you to join us in embracing the gift of rest. Set aside the to-do list, turn off the notifications, and allow yourself the luxury of being still. Spend time in nature, whether on a farm like ours or in your own backyard. Let the beauty of the world around you remind you of the wonders of creation and our Creator.

May your #FarmSunday be filled with peace, love, and the gentle reminder that in stillness, we find our true selves and connect with Christ, who is greater than each of us and holds us dear in His hands.
