Sweet BombDiggity Farms

MarketingMonday 🌱: Why You Need an Email List

Hi farm and maker friends! Let’s chat about something super important but often overlooked: email lists. We all love showing off our fresh produce or handmade goods on social media, right? But here’s a little secret: your social media isn’t really yours. Platforms change, rules change. What doesn’t change? Your own email list. It’s like having a direct line to chat with your customers, without the noise of social media.

Building an email list might sound techy, but it’s actually pretty simple. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Give Them a Reason: Offer a tasty recipe, a discount on your next market day, or insider farm tips in exchange for their email.
  2. Keep It Simple: Put a sign-up sheet at your market stand or a quick form on your website.
  3. Chat Like a Friend: Send out emails like you’re talking to a neighbor. Share stories about your farm, new products, or a sneak peek behind the scenes.
  4. Talk to the Right People: Got customers who love your homemade jams? Send them jammy news. Tailor your emails so they feel personal. In marketing we call this segmenting and it makes a huge difference.
  5. Learn as You Go: Check out which emails get the most love (opens and replies) and do more of that!

Remember, your email list is your community too! Nurture it like your garden and watch it grow! 🌻📧

Have a marketing question? Shoot me a DM or comment below!
