Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#MarketingMonday – Revitalizing Social Media

Happy #marketingmonday friends! The joy of social media has always been around connection, but floods of content, algorithm gaming, and reaction buttons that have become like muscle memory to click make me feel like we’ve lost touch with the coolness that it can offer. We scroll, we like, but how often do we genuinely engage? I remember finding high school classmates and childhood friends and the excitement of remising and connecting again. A time before algorithms reigned where I actually saw the content that my in-person and social friends posted just because I followed them…. I think it’s time to get back to the heart of what social media can offer by engaging deeply and often. Let’s be like the Who’s at the end of the Grinch… Christmas comes anyway because what really matters is their connection to each other (if you haven’t watched this you really should!) 😃 

This isn’t just good for your marketing it revives the essence of what social media was meant to be. Here are three tips to help you do just that:

1️⃣ Leave Thoughtful Comments: Instead of the usual “Great post!” or a thumbs-up emoji, take a moment to leave a meaningful comment. Reflect on what the post makes you feel, ask a question that shows you’re genuinely interested, or share a relevant personal experience. This kind of engagement not only makes the poster feel valued but also sparks deeper conversations.

2️⃣ Ask Engaging Questions: When you come across a post that interests you, don’t just like and move on. Ask a question that invites the poster to share more. It could be about their experience, their opinion, or even asking for advice. Questions show that you’re not just a passive viewer, but an active participant in the conversation.

3️⃣ Share and Add Value: If you find a post particularly inspiring or informative, share it with your own followers. But don’t just hit the share button; add your own commentary. Why did this post resonate with you? How does it relate to your own experiences or beliefs? This not only helps boost the original content’s visibility but also adds a personal touch, showing your followers why you found it share-worthy.

Remember, genuine interactions are the foundation of REAL relationships on social media. I’ve met so many wonderful people on social that have become long-time friends. By engaging deeply, you’re not just boosting content visibility; you’re getting back to what we all loved about social media in the first place. So let’s start a conversation, share our stories, and connect 💬✨

#marketingtips #FarmMarketing #makermarketing #SocialMediaEngagement #DeepConnections #AuthenticInteractions #DigitalMarketingTips #CommunityBuilding
