Hey there, farm friends! We’re Jules and Lane Morris, and we’re excited to introduce ourselves to you. Admittedly, we are new, passionate farmers who are learning and growing each day but we have been working in our first professional careers for decades. As we have delved into this farming journey, we have seen a real opportunity for our combined skills and knowledge to give back and help support and uplift other farm and agricultural-maker businesses. We believe in the power of creativity and collaboration where we all bring our skills and expertise to cultivate a thriving farming community. The future of agriculture needs all of us to step up and be heard!
So who are we? Here is a quick overview.
Jules is no stranger to creativity and innovation. With over 25 years of award-winning marketing, branding, and design experience, she brings a wealth of knowledge to our farm. Jules is a marketing professor at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in the Haslam College of Business and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. with a focus on creativity, marketing, and leadership. Jules has collaborated with renowned brands like WBIR, Samsung Electronics, and Mitsubishi, and even had the opportunity to contribute to the grand stage of The Super Bowl. Her passion for agriculture was planted deep in her soul as a child, took root during her storytelling days for Clemson University Extension and 4-H during college, and has continued to flourish as the Sweet BombDiggity Farm dream has come to life over the past few years. Her passions extend to farming and agriculture, brand strategy, media, storytelling, as well as digital and visual marketing.

Lane brings an incredible background in education, human resource management, and human-centered leadership. Prior to a 30+ year career in higher education, his corporate experience began as an engineer. With a Ph.D. from The University of Tennessee, Lane is a people grower. As the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Student Affairs, as well as the Fisher Professor of Innovation at the Haslam College of Business, Lane has cultivated an environment for learning for thousands of undergraduate students. His passion for Human-Centered Leadership and Design comes through in his passion for motivating people to tackle tough challenges and do things that matter. He brings these skills to the table as we work on our own farm, as well as with other farmers and ag-based businesses to tackle the challenges and opportunities that agriculture faces.
We are partners in life, farming, and business. We have three kids and two amazing granddaughters that make this work even more important and impactful—what better legacy to leave the next generation than food security and a deep connection to the land.
Our combined expertise in marketing, branding, design, leadership, and people have led to success in academics and for our business clients. Now, we are committed to focusing our best to not only nurture our own farm but to also support fellow farmers and agripreneurs in their endeavors. We are passionate and self-proclaimed “farming evangelists.”
Join us on this exciting farming journey, where innovation meets the green pastures, and creativity grows alongside the crops. We’re eager to learn, share, and collaborate with all of you, as we sow the seeds of success together.
Stay tuned for more resources and tools, insights, updates, and no shortage of adorable farm animals. 🌱🚜