Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Something About an Old Dog

Phtoto of bear the chocolate lab looking at the camera

Meet Bear. There’s something about an old dog. Bear is 11 now—a big, 100-pound chocolate lab with a heart even bigger. My sweet friend Christi and I took a road trip all those years ago and came home with two sweet brothers. He was a gift for Lane—the kind that keeps giving, pouring out love and loyalty every single day. 💭

He was here before the farm, before the donkeys and the goats, before Sweet Bombdiggity Farms was even a dream. He’s been through it all with us—knee surgery, a bit of a limp, and now, lumpy from head to toe. His rich chocolate face is dusted with white, a mark of time and all the memories we’ve made together. He’s slowing down, but that big old heart of his beats as strong as ever.

❤️ Pure soul. Pure love. Pure devotion. ❤️

We are cherishing these days, packing in the memories and the treats, knowing that every extra day with him is a gift.
