Sweet BombDiggity Farms

The Careful Hands of the Healer: Rosie’s Restoration Psalm 147:3

“He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3 (The Message)

Several months ago Rosie, our rescue horse and had a terrible hoof abscess. She was hardly walking for nearly 3 weeks— it was so hard to watch her pain! The abscess finally ruptured and she was comfortable again but the wound left her hoof weak and damaged, and as days turned to months, a large crack began to emerge. To anyone who might have simply glanced her way, Rosie’s hoof could easily have been a symbol of damage, vulnerability, and a past fraught with challenges.

Rosie’s damaged, cracked, broken (but healing!) hoof

Yet, luckily this isn’t just a story about Rosie’s cracked hoof, but rather the hands that diligently worked to heal her. Our farrier, Jeff, with his seasoned expertise and genuine care, mirrored the nurturing and gentle touch that God bestows upon us daily. To most of us that own horses the patience and care of a trusted farrier is truly a gift from God—they become friends! Jeff has been relentless in his efforts to keep our equine babies healthy. We are blessed! Yesterday he cauterized and sealed the cracked and damaged area in Rosie’s hoof and miraculously the crack began to close and the hoof became harder. With patience, care, and time—it will grow out and she will be a-ok. This picture became a vivid illustration for us of God’s ever-present care.

In our own lives, we’ve all experienced cracks and fractures – be it from past mistakes, hurtful experiences, or the weight of the world’s expectations. Just like Rosie’s hoof, these cracks might seem to define us, make us weak or less than. But God sees beyond the immediate ailment. He sees our strength, our potential, and our inherent beauty.

God, with His boundless compassion, steps in not only to heal but to fortify. He doesn’t merely patch up our wounds. Instead, He transforms our very weaknesses into sources of strength, our scars into testaments of resilience.

And as Jeff showed unwavering patience and precision with Rosie, God tends to us with an even greater meticulousness. He knows every nuance of our being, our deepest hurts, and our most profound hopes. In His hands, we are not just restored; we are reborn.

Our amazing farrier and friend, Jeff, standing with Rosie.

It’s comforting to witness Rosie now, trotting with an air of confidence, her hoof steadily becoming more robust. It’s a daily reminder that God’s healing is always at work, even in places we can’t always see. And if He can work wonders in the life of a rescue horse, imagine the miracles He’s performing in our hearts every day.

May we always find hope in the cracks, knowing that God’s love is the ultimate balm and that His healing hands are forever at work in our lives. Rosie’s journey also serves as a beacon of God’s grace and His promise to mend every broken part of us. Remember, with God, every fracture finds its healing, every wound its closure.

Note: Rosie is sweaty in this video because she chose to frolicking around the field with her donkey and companion, Amelia. They had a big time but rest assured she did get to cool down!
