Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Understanding Cross Beak in Chickens

Meet Babs. She is one of our new silkie chicks and was a fast favorite of mine because of her sweet demeanor. Unfortunately Babs has what is called Cross Beak. For that reason, she won’t be a part of my breeding program, BUT she still manages just fine and will have a home here at the farm. We love her! Here are some facts to help understanding Cross Beak in Chickens 🐥

1️⃣ Causes: Cross beak, or scissor beak, can stem from both genetic and environmental influences. This might include hereditary traits or conditions like temperature fluctuations during incubation.

2️⃣ Feeding Challenges: Chickens with cross beak often find it hard to eat and drink due to their misaligned beaks. To help, owners can provide easier-to-consume options like mashed or wet feed and ensure water is always accessible.

3️⃣ Lifelong Management: While there’s no cure, regular beak trimming and careful monitoring can greatly improve quality of life. It’s also important to separate these chickens at times to protect them from potential bullying by flock mates.

If you are purchasing older chicks, I would definitely screen for it—some are so severe that they fail to thrive and that is just so sad! Babs is one of the lucky ones! 🐔 

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