Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Unleashing Appreciation for the Little Things

On this #FarmSunday, I find myself taking a moment to reflect on the beauty that surrounds us and appreciating the little things that bring joy to our lives. On the farm, we often find ourselves immersed in the wonders of nature and have the opportunity to witness small but extraordinary moments that remind me of the preciousness of life. So, no surprise here—let’s continue to explore the power of appreciation and today I am especially drawing inspiration from Psalms 9:1

Psalm 9:1. “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

This week just seemed long! Lots to do and time seemed short… On Thursday, our thoroughbred Rosie threw a horseshoe, the HVAC broke in our office, the porch had a water leak, the truck engine light came on, the baby guineas escaped… the list goes on—you’ve had those days and weeks, right? 

Well, it started to rain as we were finishing up some of our farm chores and then, there it was… that moment that replenished my spirit and remind me of the beauty and grandeur of the natural world. A magnificent full rainbow arching across the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues over the large field as the horses lazily grazed below. As we gazed upon this breathtaking sight, we were spiritually reminded of the promise of a new day, the cycle of seasons, and the reassurance that there is always light after the storm. It was a moment that filled our hearts with awe and gratitude.

As we headed back to the house for the night we were greeted by a tiny hummingbird caught in one of our skylights on the porch. It was exhausted and in desperate need of help. We quickly worked to get the bird down while it slowly descended and perched within arms reach. The poor baby had no choice but to place its trust in our hands. I delicately cradled the little creature, walked it to safety at the edge of our porch, and it flew off to freedom.  Witnessing its resilience and the trust it bestowed upon us was a profound reminder of how connected we are to all of God’s creatures.  It was a humbling experience.

So, on this #FarmSunday, let us stop and embrace the beauty around us and the simple joys it brings. Through the lens of gratitude, we can appreciate the little things that make a significant impact on our hearts and souls. Whether it’s the sight of a full rainbow spanning the sky or a tiny hummingbird trusting us with its care, these experiences remind us of the wonders of God’s creation and our role as caretakers of the land. May we continue to find inspiration, wonder, and awe in the everyday moments. Let us always remember to celebrate and appreciate the little things.

I will give thanks to you, Lord. Thank you for all of the blessings you bring.
