Sweet BombDiggity Farms

Use your Imagination. Follow the Dream. Build the Farm.

As the sun dipped below the horizon at Sweet BombDiggity Farms the other day, we found ourselves reflecting on the journey that is #farmingafter50. It’s been a path laid out field by field, and fence by fence, with calloused hands and sweat-soaked shirts, and no shortage of dreaming and dedication.

This past spring and summer we have dreamed and invested in a new large field — once a canvas of stumps, brush, and uneven ground, has been slowly transformed with relentless effort and boundless optimism. Some may look out and see a patchwork of dirt, roots, and rock, but through our eyes, we see the seeds of a dream stirring to life. Dreams don’t happen overnight!

We envision a small herd of highland cattle, with wild and untamed coats and adorable wandering contentedly through the fields. It takes a healthy dose of imagination to see beyond the toil, to look past the endless tasks and see the future we’re building. That imagination fuels our passion, drives us through each project, and propels us onto the next.

Embarking on this dream past the age of fifty hasn’t been a walk in the park. It’s a journey paved with challenges, each one a reminder of the commitment this dream demands. Yet, for every bead of sweat and moment of exhaustion, the reward of watching our dream unfold makes it all worthwhile.

To our fellow dreamers, remember that the beauty of a dream lies not in its ease, but in its fulfillment. Keep dreaming, keep imagining, and above all, keep believing that with hard work and heart, anything is possible. From our Sweet BombDiggity heart to yours—dream big and farm on.

With hope and dirt under our fingernails,
Lane & Jules Morris 🌾🐮

#FarmingAfter50 #followthedream #buildthefarm #farmlife #dreambig #farmlifeisthebestlife #highlandcattle #ruraltennessee #easttennessee
