Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday Devotional: The Parable of Weeds Among the Wheat

Happy #FarmSunday, y’all!

If you’ve been following our journey, you know that we’ve been hard at work clearing a large and new field. And when I say hard at work, I mean battling with all sorts of things—trees, brush, briars, poison ivy, even yellow jacket nests. But what’s most frustrating? The weeds. As hard as we try to remove them, they just keep coming back!

Matthew 13:30, Jesus talks about letting the weeds grow with the wheat until harvest time. Then, they’re sorted out—wheat into the barn, weeds into the fire.

“He said, ‘No, if you weed the thistles, you’ll pull up the wheat, too. Let them grow together until harvest time. Then I’ll instruct the harvesters to pull up the thistles and tie them in bundles for the fire, then gather the wheat and put it in the barn.

The Weeds in Our Lives

We’ve all got some ‘weeds’ growing alongside the ‘wheat’ in our lives. These weeds could be bad habits, worries, unforgiveness, resentment, anger,  or even negative people around us. They seem to pop up just when we think we’ve got things sorted.

Learning Patience

Here’s the thing: In the Bible verse, the weeds weren’t pulled up right away. The weeds and wheat were allowed to co-exist and grow until the time was right for sorting. Sometimes we need to be patient with ourselves and others and our ‘life weeds’. Maybe we’re not ready yet to deal with them. Or maybe they have something to teach us. But, in the end, our job isn’t to judge, sort, or tear the weeds from the wheat. Instead, our job is to sow and grow the wheat (good things) in our life and others and completely trust Him take care of the weeds (bad things). 

Time for Harvest

The good news is that harvest time does come. For us on the farm, we finally saw a glimmer of light through those trees. It showed us where the new fence could go. It felt like a victory, like we could finally manage the ‘weeds’ and enjoy the ‘wheat’ in that field.

So this #FarmSunday, let’s take just a. moment to think about the weeds in your own life. Sometimes they need to be there, at least for a while, until He’s ready to deal with them. And while we wait on His time to come, we want to completely focus our attention on being good wheat because He knows what to keep and what to throw into the fire.

Here’s to seeing the light through your trees. Have a blessed #FarmSunday! 🌿🚜
