Sweet BombDiggity Farms

#FarmSunday: Micah 6:8 – A Field Guide for Kindness

In a world increasingly connected by social media, it’s startling to see how often social media interactions can be marked by meanness, harshness, and a serious lack of empathy. The vitriol and divisiveness we often see online stand in stark contrast to the principles laid out in Micah 6:8 – to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. I have observed this several times this week and this verse just keeps resonating with me. This verse offers a timeless field guide for how we should engage and interact with one another. 

Micah 6:8 (MSG

“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
 what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
    be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.”

Treating others with fairness and respect means being good to other people. We are encouraged to consider the impact of our words and actions, to strive for understanding before judgment. This practice is particularly important in the context of social media where it’s easy to forget that behind each post is a real person, with real feelings, deserving of our respect.

Compassionate love directs us to extend kindness and empathy in all our interactions. It is about understanding that everyone is navigating life with their unique challenges, backgrounds, and perspectives. Remembering this, particularly in the online space, helps cultivate a more supportive, inclusive, and empathetic social media environment. Rather than fueling negativity and meanness, we can become purveyors of kindness and understanding.

Finally, we are reminded to not take ourselves too seriously. All of us are works in progress, learning and growing each day. This principle invites us to practice humility in admitting our mistakes, to be open to different viewpoints, and to recognize our place in the vast tapestry of human experience. It can serve as a counterbalance to the ego-driven “me-me-me” culture often seen on social media, fostering a more authentic and grounded online presence.

In essence, Micah 6:8 is a concise and complete field guide for life, providing us with principles that are deeply needed in our current social climate. This #FarmSunday, let’s commit to bringing the wisdom of this verse into our daily lives – both offline and online. Amid the chaos and noise of this wild wild world, let’s choose to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. For in doing so, we can help weave a kinder, more empathetic, and more understanding world. One person being kind to another is how it all starts. Let’s be that person!
