#FarmSunday Devotional: Sufficient for Today
On this #FarmSunday, let’s take a moment to reflect on the simplicity and profound wisdom of trust. Let’s dive into God’s sufficient care and love today in Matthew 6:30-34
Join Lane and Jules Morris of Sweet BombDiggity Farms on this exciting #FarmingAfter50 journey, where innovation meets the green pastures, and creativity grows alongside the crops. We’re eager to learn, share our experiences and your stories, and collaborate with all of you, as we sow the seeds of success together.
Stay tuned for inspiring agriCULTURE stories, resources and tools, insights, updates, and no shortage of adorable farm animals.
On this #FarmSunday, let’s take a moment to reflect on the simplicity and profound wisdom of trust. Let’s dive into God’s sufficient care and love today in Matthew 6:30-34
Some of the best gardening advice I was ever given…Gardening is a journey, not a destination. You have permission to not be a master gardener every day. A dear friend shared this revelation with me years ago and she is NOT wrong!
I’ve got a quirky find to share with you—dog vomit fungus! Yep, you read that right. This funky fungus might sound gross, but it’s actually pretty cool. Here are a few fun facts:
We’re off to bring Duke, our redbone coonhound, a surprise—meet Dolly, a beautiful black and tan coonhound! 🐶💕 Dolly has a few years and some life under her paws, but
Today, as we celebrate Father’s Day, we’re reminded of the incredible compassion and love that fathers show to their children. This verse beautifully reflects how God loves us with an even greater compassion. Just as our earthly fathers guide, protect, and nurture us, our Heavenly Father does the same with endless grace and mercy.
Have you noticed all the hydrangeas blooming around Tennessee right now? They are absolutely stunning! Here are some easy tips and fun facts about hydrangeas that I thought you’d enjoy:
Food insecurity is an issue that affects many of our neighbors, often closer to home than we realize. But there’s something we can all do to help—plant a garden, a single pot, or any small green space. Just start!
There’s something incredibly inspiring about our goats’ adventurous spirits. They approach this new field with a sense of wonder, gratitude, and excitement, reminding us of the joy of exploration. No fear, just pure, unfiltered curiosity and appreciation for the new opportunities before them.
Setting yourself up for success is key to growing beautiful lavender. I have lavender tucked all over Sweet Bombdiggity Farms, but I always find it happiest in a raised bed.
I know it’s tough, but pruning your dahlias before they bloom is key to a more bountiful display! Here’s how I do it.